According to Ipsos, when it comes to social responsibility, sustainable packaging will speak directly to consumers’ emotional side. Some companies have already been taking advantage of consumers’ increasing social responsibility; Carlsberg, for instance, have developed a six-pack where glue replaces the plastic wrapping. And the same example of responsibility is seen at Starbucks where they have developed new to-go lids and removed all plastic straws from the shops.
So, what should the companies do? They have to take a position on environmental issues to follow the growing sustainable trends that are seen among people worldwide. Sustainable, reused and responsible packaging can be used both to increase chances of being the preferred company and as a part of the branding strategy. An example of this is Coca Cola’s zero waste vision where sustainable packaging is an essential element. “Our packaging vision is zero waste – which means we are working to support initiatives that enable recovery and reuse of our packaging,” it says on Coca Cola’s website.
Consumers expect companies to do more and their definition of a responsible company is expanding. Sustainable visions and branding strategies will pay off and companies like Coca Cola, Carlsberg and Starbucks are more likely to be rewarded and chosen on the basis of being more eco-friendly and sustainable, according to Ipsos.
So how could your company incorporate sustainable packaging in your branding strategy?